
Which Country Exported the Most Dates in 2021?
Israel is the first country that exported the most amount of fresh date in 2021 worldwide, followed by UAE and Tunisia.
The list below shows the 10 top date exporting countries in 2021 respectively. For further details, continue reading.
- Israel
- United Arab Emirates
- Tunisia
- Saudi Arabia
- Iran
- Iraq
- United States
- Algeria
- Netherlands
- Pakistan
16.6% of the date exporting market is related to Israel, which is the first exporter of fresh dates worldwide in 2021. UAE is in second place, 13.5%.
Third and fourth places are, respectively, Tunisia and Saudi Arabia, with 10.6% and 10.3% market share value.
Iran is the fifth biggest exporter of dates in 2021, 6.5%.
Iraq is after Iran, with a 6.1% share value.
USA, Algeria, Netherlands, and Pakistan are in 7th to 10th place, each one with a market share of respectively 5.8%, 4.7%, 3.4%, and 2.6%.
If you would like to know the tonnage of exported dates by each of these countries in 2021, look at the next part.
Top 10 Date Exporting Countries in 2021 (in Million MT)

Top 5 Countries with the Highest Growth in Date Export from 2020 to 2021
- Iraq: +36.12
- Israel: +30.53
- USA: +29.85
- UAE: +18.50
- Netherlands: +9.14

As you see above, Iraq’s date export growth rate was +36.12% from 2020 to 2021. After that, Israel and the USA are respectively in second and third place, each with a growth rate of +30.53 and +29.75%.
UAE date export increased by 18.5% in the same period and the Netherlands’ date export improved by 9.14% from 2020 to 2021.
Top 7 Countries with the Highest Growth in Date Export in the Five Years Ending in 2021
- Algeria: 133.95%
- Netherlands: 116.05%
- Israel: 111.98%
- USA: 98.23%
- UAE: 70.48%
- Saudi Arabia: 35.72%
- Iraq: 4.45%