Gypsum powder is mostly used as a construction and building material. For centuries it has been applied as a decorative material to make carved statues and sculptures.
The mixture of gypsum powder with water is used as a molding material to make ornate fixtures for decorating buildings as well as coating the walls.
It is worth mentioning that the only use of gypsum powder is not in construction industry. Moreover it is applied as a soil conditioner and fertilizer in agriculture.

It is one of the earliest forms of fertilizer which has been used for many centuries. Gypsum powder is added to the soil as a moderately soluble source of essential plants’ nutrients. Calcium and sulfur are the two significant nutrients required for plants’ growth that can be supplied by gypsum powder.
Especially gypsum powder is very useful for corn and soybeans as they require lots of sulfate in the soil to grow.
Adding gypsum powder to the soil improves the soil’s ability to hold water because the positively charged calcium ions (Ca2+) in gypsum displace the positively charged sodium ions (Na+) available in the soil.
The main advantages of gypsum powder for plants are mentioned bellow:
1. Supplying the plants’ required calcium and sulfur
Gypsum powder is a good source of both calcium and sulfur that are not supplied by soil completely.
2. Improving acid soils and treats aluminum toxicity
Gypsum powder is able to reduce aluminum toxicity, which often accompanies soil acidity, especially in subsoil. It can improve some acid soils even beyond what lime can do for them.
3. Improving the soil structure
Aggregation is needed to give desired soil structure which is required for plants’ root growth and also for air & water movements. Gypsum powder has been applied for a long time to improve aggregation and overcome dispersion in sodic soils. Soluble calcium improves the soil aggregation. Gypsum powder is an excellent cure for the soils with unfavorable calcium-magnesium ratios, creating a better ratio.
4. Developing water infiltration
Gypsum powder helps the soil to drain and not become waterlogged. Adding gypsum powder to the soil allows water to move into the soil and allow the plant to grow better.
5. Reducing the nutrients’ runoff
Phosphorus runoff is a significant concern in agriculture. Gypsum powder aids to keep phosphorus and other nutrients in the field.
Amoot Iranian Trading Company with hundreds of successful deals in mineral, chemical, building and construction, pharmaceutical, and agricultural industries is capable of supplying first quality gypsum powder at best prices.
International buyers who seek a reliable gypsum powder supplier can call us for any further information.