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Fertilizer Industry in Saudi Arabia in 2021


Fertilizer Export In Saudi Arabia


1. Fertilizer Export In Saudi Arabia 2021

Saudi Arabia was the world's fifth-largest exporter of fertilizers in 2021.

It exports valued at $4.21 billion in 2021.

It is worth mentioning that fertilizers were the fourth-most exported product from Saudi Arabia in the same year.


2. The Major Destinations For Saudi Arabia’s Fertilizer Exports In 2021

The top destinations for Saudi Arabia’s fertilizer exports in 2021 were:

  • India
  • the United States
  • Bangladesh
  • Brazil
  • Australia


India was the largest importer, with Saudi Arabia exporting fertilizers worth $1.21 billion to India.

The United States, Bangladesh, Brazil, and Australia followed closely with imports from Saudi Arabia valued at $634 million, $459 million, $455 million, and $429 million, respectively.


Destination CountryValue of Fertilizers Exported (USD)
Indiaindia$1.21 billion
United StatesUSA$634 million
BangladeshBangladesh$459 million
BrazilBrazil$455 million
AustraliaAustralia $429 million


3. The Fastest Growing Export Markets For Fertilizers Of Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia’s fertilizer exports experienced significant progress in some countries between 2020 and 2021.


The fastest-growing export markets for Saudi Arabia’s fertilizers were:

  • India
  • the United States
  • Brazil


The exports to India showed the highest growing, increasing by $444 million. Similarly, exports to the United States and Brazil also improved significantly, by $423 million and $411 million, respectively.


Destination CountryFastest Growing Fertilizers Exports (USD)
Indiaindia$444 million
United StatesUSA$423 million
BrazilBrazil$411 million


4. Nitrogenous Fertilizer Export In Saudi Arabia In 2021

In 2021, Saudi Arabia was the world's sixth-largest exporter of Nitrogenous Fertilizers,

Its exports valued at $1.78 billion.

Nitrogenous Fertilizers were also the eleventh most exported product from Saudi Arabia in the same year.

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The main destinations of nitrogenous fertilizer of Saudi Arabia in 2021

Destination CountryNitrogenous Fertilizers Exports (USD)
BangladeshBangladesh$303 million
ThailandThailand$291 million
United StatesUSA$239 million
AustraliaAustralia$238 million
Indiaindia$220 million


The fastest growing export markets for nitrogenous fertilizers of Saudi Arabia between 2020 and 2021

Destination CountryFastest Growing Nitrogenous Fertilizers Exports (USD)
BangladeshBangladesh$222 million
Indiaindia$142 million
United StatesUSA$114 million


5. Phosphatic Fertilizer export In Saudi Arabia 2021

In 2021, Saudi Arabia exported $1.76 million in Phosphatic Fertilizers.

It was the 38th largest exporter of Phosphatic Fertilizers in the world.

At the same time, Phosphatic Fertilizers was the 524th most exported product in Saudi Arabia.


The main destinations of phosphatic fertilizer of Saudi Arabia in 2021

DestinationValue of exports (USD)


The fastest growing export markets for Phosphatic Fertilizers of Saudi Arabia between 2020 and 2021 were:

  • Sudan ($1.24M)
  • Iraq ($340k)
  • Tanzania ($19.2k)


6. Potassic Fertilizer export In Saudi Arabia 2021

In 2021, Saudi Arabia earned $33.3 million by exporting potassic fertilizers, which ranked the country as the 21st largest exporter of potassic fertilizers internationally.

Additionally, potassic fertilizers was the 175th most exported product from Saudi Arabia in the same year.


The main destination of potassic fertilizers exports from Saudi Arabia

CountryValue of exports (in USD)
PakistanPakistan 9,570,000
South AfricaSouth Africa 3,200,000


The fastest growing export markets for potassic fertilizers of Saudi Arabia between 2020 and 2021

CountryValue of exports in 2020 (in USD)Value of exports in 2021 (in USD)Growth


Fertilizer Import In Saudi Arabia


Fertilizer Industry


1. Fertilizer Import In Saudi Arabia 2021

In 2021, Saudi Arabia imported fertilizers valued at $159 million,

It was the 79th largest importer of fertilizers globally.

Additionally, fertilizers were the 71st most imported product into Saudi Arabia in the same year.


2. The Major Sources Of Fertilizers To Saudi Arabia In 2021

Saudi Arabia's fertilizer imports primarily come from five countries led by Jordan with imports valued at $77.9 million.

The other top countries of origin for Saudi Arabia’s fertilizer imports are:

  • Egypt
  • China
  • Germany
  • Belgium


Origin CountryValue of Fertilizers Imported (USD)
JordanJordan$77.9 million
EgyptEgypt$17 million
Chinachina$10.1 million
GermanyGermany$10 million
BelgiumBelgium$8.9 million


3. The Fastest Growing Import Markets For Fertilizers Into Saudi Arabia 2021

Saudi Arabia’s fertilizer imports also saw noteworthy progression from specific countries between 2020 and 2021.

The fastest-growing import markets for fertilizers into Saudi Arabia during this period were:

  • Jordan
  • the Netherlands
  • Sweden


Imports from Jordan showed the highest advance, increasing by $47.8 million, followed by imports from the Netherlands and Sweden, which grew by $3.77 million and $2.77 million, respectively.


Origin CountryFastest Growing Fertilizers Imports (USD)
JordanJordan$47.8 million
NetherlandsNetherlands$3.77 million
SwedenSweden $2.77 million


4. Nitrogenous Fertilizer Import To Saudi Arabia In 2021

In 2021, Saudi Arabia imported nitrogenous fertilizers worth $26 million.

It was the 98th largest importer of nitrogenous fertilizers in the world.

Within Saudi Arabia, nitrogenous fertilizers were the 525th most imported product in the same year.


Saudi Arabia imports nitrogenous fertilizers primarily from:

Origin CountryValue of Nitrogenous Fertilizers Imported (USD)
EgyptEgypt$16.4 million
SwedenSweden$3.28 million
Chinachina$1.39 million
SpainSpain $776,000


The fastest growing import markets in Nitrogenous Fertilizers for Saudi Arabia between 2020 and 2021

Origin CountryFastest Growing Nitrogenous Fertilizers Imports (USD)
EgyptEgypt$3.61 million
SwedenSweden$2.97 million


5. Phosphatic Fertilizer Import In Saudi Arabia 2021

In 2021, Saudi Arabia was the 46th largest importer of phosphatic fertilizers in the world

Its import value of $3.27M.

Additionally, phosphatic fertilizers were the 903rd most imported product in Saudi Arabia in the same year.


Saudi Arabia imports phosphatic fertilizers primarily from:

CountryValue of Phosphatic Fertilizers Imported (USD)
BulgariaBulgaria 50.1k
United StatesUSA21.4k
United Arab EmiratesUAE6.84k


6. Potassic Fertilizer Import In Saudi Arabia 2021

In 2021, Saudi Arabia was the 31st largest importer of Potassic Fertilizers in the world,

It imported a total of $86.1M worth of the product in 2021.

In terms of its own imports, Potassic Fertilizers was the 297th most imported product in Saudi Arabia during the same year.


Saudi Arabia imports Potassic Fertilizers largely

CountryValue of imports (in USD)
Chinese TaipeiChinese Taipei1,430,000
United StatesUSA907,000


The fastest growing import markets in Potassic Fertilizers for Saudi Arabia between 2020 and 2021

CountryValue of imports in 2020 (in USD)Value of imports in 2021 (in USD)Growth


Fertilizer in Saudi Arabia

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