
Pakistan’s Fertilizer Export 2021


Pakistan Fertilizer Export 2021


1. What Was The Value Of Pakistan Fertilizer Exports In 2021?

Pakistan was the 119th largest exporter of fertilizers in the world in 2021.

Pakistan export value was $719k.

During the same year, fertilizers were ranked as the 89th most exported product in Pakistan.


2. The Main Destination Of Fertilizers Exports From Pakistan 2021

DestinationValue of Exports (USD)
United Arab EmiratesUAE$48.1k
United Kingdomuk$7.22k
BelgiumBelgium $109


3. The Fastest Growing Export Markets For Fertilizers Of Pakistan Between 2020 And 2021

DestinationValue of Exports Growth (USD)
ItalyItaly $99.8k
United Kingdomuk$7.22k


Pakistan’s fertilizer exports experienced the fastest progress between 2020 and 2021 in Italy market, with an increase in exports worth $99.8k.

The United Kingdom and Poland were other upward markets for Pakistani fertilizer exports during the same period, with upsurges in exports worth $7.22k and $147, respectively.


4. Pakistan Potassic Fertilizer Export 2021

Pakistan ranked as the 114th largest exporter of Potassic Fertilizers in the world in 2021, with exports worth $11.


During the same year, Potassic Fertilizers were ranked as the 1106th most exported product in Pakistan.

South Korea was the biggest importer of Pakistan Potassic fertilizers, with a value of $11.


5. Pakistan Phosphatic Fertilizer Export 2021

Pakistan's exports of Phosphatic Fertilizers were valued at $109 in 2021.

Pakistan was the 93rd largest exporter of phosphatic fertilizers in the world.


During the same year, Phosphatic Fertilizers were ranked as the 1081st most exported product in Pakistan.

Belgium was the only destination that received Phosphatic Fertilizers exports from Pakistan, with a value of $109.

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Pakistan Fertilizer Export


Pakistan’s Fertilizer Import 2021


1. What Was The Value Of Pakistan Fertilizer Imports In 2021?

Pakistan's fertilizer imports were valued at $838M in 2021

Pakistan was the 29th largest importer of fertilizers in the world.

In 2021, fertilizers were ranked as the 20th most imported product in Pakistan.


2. The Main Sources Of Fertilizers Imported To Pakistan 2021

CountryAmount of Fertilizer Imported to Pakistan (USD)
Saudi ArabiaSaudi Arabia$26.1M
Chinese TaipeiChinese Taipei$22.1M


3. The Fastest Growing Fertilizer Import Markets In Pakistan Between 2020 And 2021

Between 2020 and 2021, Pakistan experienced significant growth in its fertilizer imports from several countries.


CountryFastest Growing Fertilizer Import Markets in Pakistan (USD)


The fastest growing import markets for fertilizer in Pakistan during this period were China, which saw an increase of $287 million in imports, as well as Australia and Morocco, which had increases of $29.8 million and $22.4 million, respectively.


4. Pakistan Phosphatic Fertilizer Import 2021

Pakistan's import of phosphatic fertilizers in 2021 was $1.59 million.

This placed Pakistan as the 62nd largest importer of phosphatic fertilizers in the world for that year.


In 2021, phosphatic fertilizers were not one of Pakistan’s most imported products, with a ranking of 832nd.

Pakistan imported a total of $1.59 million worth of phosphatic fertilizers that year.

The primary sources of Pakistan’s phosphatic fertilizer imports were Egypt, with a value of $822,000, and China, with a value of $771,000.


CountryAmount of Phosphatic Fertilizers Imported (USD)


5. Pakistan Nitrogenous Fertilizer Import 2021

Pakistan imported Nitrogenous Fertilizers worth $26.4M in 2021, making it the 97th largest importer of this product globally.

Nitrogenous Fertilizers were ranked as the 319th most imported product in Pakistan in the same year.


The primary sources of Pakistan’s Nitrogenous Fertilizers imports were China, Vietnam, Egypt, Oman, and Russia.

CountryValue of Nitrogenous Fertilizers Imports (USD)
VietnamVietnam $2.52M
OmanOman $1.19M


6. Pakistan Potassic Fertilizer Import 2021

Pakistan imported $90.6 million worth of potassic fertilizers in 2021,

Pakistan was the 29th largest importer of potassic fertilizers in the world.

Potassic fertilizers were also imported into Pakistan as the 136th most imported product in the country that year.


Pakistan primarily imports potassic fertilizers from several countries that can be seen below.

CountryAmount of Potassic Fertilizers Imported (USD)
Chinese TaipeiChinese Taipei$21.8M
BelarusBelarus $13.9M
Saudi ArabiaSaudi Arabia$9.57M


In 2021, the top import partners for potassic fertilizers were Chinese Taipei, with a value of $21.8 million, followed by Jordan with $15.3 million, Belarus with $13.9 million, Germany with $9.95 million, and Saudi Arabia with $9.57 million.

Pakistan experienced significant growth in its import of potassic fertilizers from several countries between 2020 and 2021, which can be seen in the table below this line.

CountryFastest Growing Potassic Fertilizer Import Markets in Pakistan (USD)
Chinese TaipeiChinese Taipei$12M
Saudi ArabiaSaudi Arabia$8.76M


Chinese Taipei had the highest growth rate, with an increase of $12 million in imports, followed by Saudi Arabia with $8.76 million, and Belarus with $7.99 million.


Pakistan Fertilizer

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