
It is more than one decade that Amoot Iranian Trading Company has been providing urea fertilizer for international buyers.
Urea fertilizer is usually used in a dry and granular form and is the most welcomed nitrogen fertilizer globally as it has the highest amount of nitrogen (46%) in comparison to other popular nitrogen sources.
Due to the popularity and high consumption of urea fertilizer, Amoot Company has provided an explanation on how to apply urea fertilizer properly because conversance about the correct application of urea fertilizer can avoid any potential damage of plant and soil.
Apply urea on a cool day to reduce ammonia loss
It is advised to use urea fertilizer on a cool day, in weather between 32° to 60° F (0°-15.6° C).
Moreover it is better to apply it when there is no wind or in little wind. When the ground is frozen, it is difficult to incorporate the urea fertilizer into the soil.
Also urea fertilizer is broken down faster than it can soak into the soil at higher temperatures or in windy conditions.
Use urea fertilizer with a urease inhibitor before planting
It is recommended to apply urea fertilizer with a urease inhibitor before planting. Using urea fertilizer before planting leads to high amounts of the urea being lost before it can benefit your plant.
So apply urea fertilizer with a urease inhibitor which can slow the chemical reaction, and aids to retain urea in the soil.
Spread urea fertilizer evenly across the soil:
It is significant to spread the urea fertilizer evenly across the soil. Urea fertilizer is sold in small and solid pellets or granules, so broadcast the urea fertilizer with a spreader or sprinkle the pellets by hand evenly across the soil.
For most of the plants, you will want to keep the urea close to the plant’s roots, or close to where you will plant the seeds.
Wet the soil
Urea first changes to ammonia gas and then turned to nitrates that your plant needs. Gases can easily escape from the surface of the soil but if we make the ground wet, urea will incorporate into the soil before the chemical reaction starts. In this way, more of the ammonia is trapped within the soil.
It is advised that the top half inch (1.3 cm) of soil should be wet to keep as much ammonia gas in the soil as possible.
Till the soil to incorporate the urea:
Tilling the garden is an excellent method to incorporate the urea fertilizer into the soil before any of the ammonia gas can be lost.
Therefore Harrow, drag, or hoe the garden in order to incorporate the urea fertilizer into the top layer of the soil.
Check the amount of urea fertilizer that you add to potato plants
Some varieties of potatoes can handle high levels of nitrogen, while others cannot. Hence avoid giving potato plants large quantities of nitrogen with your urea fertilizer.
Urea fertilizer can be applied directly onto potato plants, or in a solution with other fertilizers, as long as the solution is made up of 30% nitrogen or less. Solutions of urea fertilizer that have more than 30% nitrogen should only be applied to soil before potatoes are planted.
Add urea fertilizer to grains on a mild day
Urea fertilizer can be applied directly into most cereal grains, but never in temperatures above 60° F (15.6° C). If urea fertilizer is used in warmer temperatures, the plant will give off an odor of ammonia.
Apply urea fertilizer to corn seeds indirectly
Urea fertilizer should only be applied to corn indirectly, by spreading the urea fertilizer into the soil at least 2 inches (5 cm) away from the corn seeds because direct exposure to urea fertilizer is toxic to the seeds, and largely declines the corn plant’s yield.